• I’m Feeling Inspired by Heroin

    More. I want more. I want more gratitude. No, I’m not asking to receive it towards me, but rather I want to feel it from me and in me more…more naturally and more often. Gratitude has the power to heal the mind, the spirit, the body – all of it.  Can you imagine if we felt it course through our veins like the most potent heroin you could buy? And no needles required! (Well, for the heroin-gratitude that is. I guess I still need my insulin injections, yes?) Heroin catapults me to the softest white sand beach, the sun warming my bones and the water shimmering in the light like turquoise crystals. Then, a dolphin joins…

  • Magic Mushrooms Anyone?

    A hill of wild mushrooms growing in a forest

    What do you know about psychedelics Susie, you ask?!? I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts. I know stuff. (Can you hear my slightly defensive tone?) Seriously though, I know pretty much nothing. (About this topic. I do know some stuff.) But yes…listening to a lot of podcasts lately. Mostly when I’m doing my hair and makeup in the morning (or afternoon on those days when my bed refuses to release its clutches from my body, or I’m moving in slow-mo and it’s taken me an hour to froth my fake latte. And by fake I don’t mean decaf. I mean coffee-less. Like…bought on a beach from a dude…