eBay Delivered Me Irony in a Box
Lately, it’s been quite the ‘ride’. After my latest urine sample fiasco (read about it here), the story continues. But I suppose as long as there is life, there is a story. During the worst health crash of my life the past few weeks, thanks to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), and during this crazy pandemic of COVID-19, self-isolation, UK lock down and all the craziness that goes with it, the time finally came. We had tossed around the need on other occasions, but this time there was no question: If I have days like these that I can’t lift a fork or comb my hair or operate my insulin pump and…
Why Did I Use such a Small, Larger Container?!?
This is definitely a TMI kind of post. But if you’re human, or at least a woman, you’ll be able to relate…even if you won’t admit to it. So, stop reading now or forever hold your peace. Today’s topic? Urine. And I’ll tell you right now, I’m gonna say the word urine a LOT in this piece so brace yourself. Also, if you are Canadian, you are hearing the word urine pronounced yur-in as you read it. If you’re British, it’s more of a yur-ine sound. So Canadians, I recommend you read/hear it in British for a higher entertainment level. Brits, trust me…to us your way is just weird. To…